Miles to go …

February 11, 2007

Nikon D80 firmware updated

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 1:46 pm

Nikon has released an updated firmware (ver 1.0.1) for D80. Here are the changes:

  • The electronic analog exposure display will be displayed in the viewfinder when the brightness of the subject exceeds the range that can be controlled by the camera, whether too bright or too dark, in the following shooting modes: 
    • Shutter-priority auto (S) or Aperture-priority auto (A) exposure modes with the built-in flash up
    •  Programmed auto (P) exposure mode
  • Effects of processing performed when the Long exp. NR item in the shooting menu is enabled have been improved.
  •  When attempting to edit images, which had already been edited using a computer, with options in the D80’s retouch menu, the camera sometimes froze.  Therefore, images that have been edited using a computer can no longer be edited using the camera.
  • Errors in English, Polish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese menus have been corrected.

Download for Windows and Macintosh. I update mine using the easy-to-follow instructions.

I caught up on some photography reading as well. Here are some great photography tips I read:

  • Assessing Contrast – The Squint Technique
  • Pay Attention to Foregrounds
  • Urban Landscape Photograph Tips

  • How to Achieve Great Indoor Photography Results

  • Smoking is good for you! – How to photograph colored smoke ?

  • How to Tell the Difference between Camera Shake or Poor Focussing?
  • 14 Tips for Great Candlelight Photography
  • Quick Photo Sharpening Tip

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