Miles to go …

February 28, 2007

Screencast #WS4: How to install WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center ?

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans, screencast, webservices — arungupta @ 12:00 am

NetBeans 5.5.1 IDE Beta was released earlier this week. Along with it, the WSIT plug-in modules were released as part of Update Center. So now if you want to install WSIT plug-in in NetBeans, you no longer have to manually download the modules and then install them. This screencast shows you how to install the WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center.

Enjoy it here.

Technorati: Web services NetBeans GlassFish WSIT JAX-WS screencast

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Related posts:
  1. Screencast #WS3: Reliable and Interoperable Web service using WSIT plug-in, NetBeans and GlassFish
  2. New WSIT Plug-in coming
  3. WSIT plugin in NetBeans 6
  4. Which version of WSIT, GlassFish, NetBeans and Plug-in ?
  5. NetBeans 5.5.1 Update Centers


  1. [Trackback] After being able to deploy and invoke a Web service using NetBeans 6, I tried to install the latest development build of WSIT plug-in. One big difference (in terms of ease-of-use) I noticed, from NB 5.5.1 Update Center, is that…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — March 5, 2007 @ 9:24 am

  2. [Trackback] WSIT Milestone 4 is now available on the Project Tango website and it includes support for WS-Coordination and WS-AtomicTransactions. I’ve put together a screencast that shows how to write …

    Comment by Ryan Shoemaker's Blog — April 25, 2007 @ 1:45 pm

  3. [Trackback] WSIT Milestone 4 is now available on the Project Tango website and it includes support for WS-Coordination and WS-AtomicTransactions. I’ve put together a screencast that shows how to write …

    Comment by Ryan Shoemaker's Blog — April 27, 2007 @ 7:17 am

  4. [Trackback] I presented on GlassFish and other related technologies (Metro, jMaki and JRuby) in Bangalore, Chennai and Pune last week. The slides used during the preso are here. And here is the list of questions (along with answers) for you: What…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — December 13, 2007 @ 6:29 am

  5. This screencast shows you how to install the WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center.

    Comment by LAPTOP BATTERY — November 27, 2008 @ 5:22 pm

  6. The download was cancelled while i am tryingg to get it, can you please check it.

    Comment by Cartoon Pictures — March 8, 2009 @ 2:18 pm

  7. [Trackback] After being able to deploy and invoke a Web service using NetBeans 6, I tried to install the latest development build of WSIT plug-in. One big difference (in terms of ease-of-use) I noticed, from NB 5.5.1 Update Center, is that…

    Comment by wow gold — March 12, 2009 @ 12:23 am

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