Miles to go …

February 26, 2007

Sun-internal jMaki Day Review

Filed under: glassfish, jmaki — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Last Friday jMaki team, at Sun Microsystems, arranged a jMaki Day for Sun-internal audience. The day was planned to introduce the technology and explains it’s nuts and bolts with hands-on experience. Even though nobody outside Sun could attend it, but all the presos and lab material is available here. 

The morning sessions gave an overview of jMaki and included: 

  • Sun, Web 2.0 and jMaki by Arun Gupta (me)
  • Introduction to jMaki by Carla Mott
  • Phobos and jMaki by Roberto Chinnici
  • jMaki Tooling: State of Union 2007 by Ludovic Champenois
  • jMaki State of Union 2007 by Greg Murray

The afternoon was BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) hands-on-labs and discussion with the team. It included:

  • jMaki Applications – Doris Chen
  • jMaki Recipe for building Web 2.0 Apps – Carla Mott
  • Mashing it up with jMaki – Greg Murray

The slides for the morning session and hands-on-labs are available. Here are some pictures:

Greg Murray



Carla Mott

Roberto Chinnici

Doris helping with mic

Ludovic Champenois

Greg Murray





You can get a flavor of these sessions and labs at Sun Tech Days. 

You can also view a collection of samples (run or download them) put together by Sun’s Web 2.0 team. You can also look for a collection of jMaki samples here. All of these samples can be run on GlassFish.

Here are some important jMaki links:

  • Value proposition
  • Overall framework architecture and features
  • Basic Application Structure
  • Creating jMaki widgets

Please send any feedback on slides and hands-on-labs to .

Technorati: jmaki ajax netbeans glassfish presos

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Related posts:
  1. jMaki + JavaFX @ The Rich Web Experience 2007
  2. GlassFish, Metro, Jersey and jMaki @ Rome and Milan Sun Tech Days
  3. jMaki at Mashup Camp Report
  4. Screencast #Web7: Creating Mashups with jMaki – A real-life RIA using jMaki (Sun Tech Days Event Map)
  5. Screencast #Web4: Creating Mashups with jMaki – Display RSS feed in jMaki Widgets


  1. Arun, can we have something similar at India Engineering center??

    Comment by Manish Gupta — March 14, 2007 @ 12:26 am

  2. I captured the videos from jmaki day and will upload them on the website. At this time, there are no plans to run the jMaki day anywhere else.

    Comment by Arun — March 14, 2007 @ 10:08 pm

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