Miles to go …

March 29, 2007

Screencast #SWDP1: How to download, install, and get started with Sun Web Developer Pack ?

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans, screencast — arungupta @ 9:43 am

Sun Web Developer Pack (SWDP) was released 2 weeks ago. This is a new toolkit from Sun that allows you to build your next generation Web applications using Ajax technologies with Project jMaki & Project Dynamic Faces, light-weight Web services with Atom / REST APIs / WADL and server side scripting with Project Phobos and deploy them on industry-grade containers like GlassFish. This screencast shows you the download options, how to install and get started (including NetBeans plug-in installation) with SWDP.

Enjoy it here!

Thanks to Ana for helping me script the screencast.

And feel free to leave a comment on the blog or ask questions on SWDP Forum.

Technorati: swdp NetBeans GlassFish screencast

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Related posts:
  1. Screencast #WS4: How to install WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center ?
  2. Introducing Sun Web Developer Pack
  3. Screencast #24: Getting Started with GlassFish v3 TP2
  4. Sun Web Developer Pack in Blogs
  5. Screencast #WS3: Reliable and Interoperable Web service using WSIT plug-in, NetBeans and GlassFish


  1. let me tabke it

    Comment by 王晓然 — April 11, 2007 @ 12:23 am

  2. sir
    i need information how to develop attractive web application

    Comment by sandeep patil — May 31, 2007 @ 2:50 am

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