Miles to go …

April 17, 2007

Ask The Tango Experts

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 6:33 am

Harold, Marek and I will be answering your questions on Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT), aka Project Tango, in an Ask The Expert session during the week of April 30.

Project Tango, part of GlassFish v2, provides secure, reliable, transactional and interoperable Web services with Microsoft .NET 3.0 framework. So get your inquisitive minds working and collect your questions about the inner workings of the code, NetBeans WSIT plug-in, plug-fest experience, about the team or any thing that strikes your fancy related to Project Tango. We will do our best to answer all the questions. If you cannot wait, feel free to shoot an email to or post a question on WSIT Forum. The complete archive will be available after the session.

And of course, check out our complete Web services session lists at JavaOne 2007. And stop by to chat if you attend any of the session!

Technorati: wsit tango webservices glassfish

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Related posts:
  1. Ask the WSIT/Project Tango Experts
  2. Project Tango: An Overview – New Article
  3. Tango in Sun Net Talk
  4. Project Tango @ Java One 2006 – Part 2
  5. Ask The Experts next Week for JAX WS

1 Comment »

  1. [Trackback] As mentioned earlier, Ask the WSIT Experts (Web Services Interoperability Technologies, aka Project Tango) is now live! Please start shooting your questions as we are ready. Technorati: wsit tango webservices glassfish…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — April 30, 2007 @ 8:20 am

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