Miles to go …

April 29, 2007

Week 11 Mileage

Filed under: running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:12 pm

Mon: 3.5 miles
Tue: 7 miles
Wed: Rest
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: Strength Training
Sat: 13.5 miles
Sun: Rest

Couple of interesting reads …

  • 8 commandments of Fluid Replacement
  • Know Thy Sweat Rate

Technorati: running training fitness runninglog

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Related posts:
  1. Week 1 Mileage – Low mileage last week
  2. Week 3 Mileage
  3. Week 2 Mileage
  4. Week 4 Mileage
  5. Week 8 Mileage


  1. Arun, may I ask, do you have a preference for running on pavement/sidewalk vs. grass/gravel? I believe the latter is easier on the legs, but given the long distances you are running it may not make much difference for you.

    Comment by Glen — May 5, 2007 @ 5:35 am

  2. Glen, Grass/Gravel is easier on the legs (mostly knees) but I always prefer pavement/sidewalk because that’s closer to marathon running environment.

    Comment by Arun — May 5, 2007 @ 6:05 am

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