May 25, 2007

18.5 miles this morning

Categories: running

Ran 18.5 miles (2:45:50) this morning. Click on ‘large‘ or ‘small‘ link next to ‘Elevation:‘ and it shows elevation of each point plotted against distance. I created the same route on runningmap (based on Yahoo maps) which showed the minimum and maximum elevation (click on mountain icon in the toolbar at top) as 156.9 and 579.1 feet. There is constant uphill from mile 3.5 to 8.5, a slight dip and then a constant downhill. This is a good route to practice for San Francisco Marathon because of the constant up-hills. But I need to look for another route with constant up-hills and down-hills to be better prepared to meet the course elevation.

Any recommendations ?

BTW, I plotted the entire marathon course but the distance is totaling out to be .4 miles extra.

Technorati: runsfm running marathon

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  1. Oh, I have an excellent recommendation but unfortunately Pittsburgh, Pa. is about 2000 miles from you. ;-) Still, I wonder if you should try a dry run of the San Francisco marathon (or at least the more challenging parts of it)–I know you can’t run there on the streets right now but you may be able to on the sidewalks. This will give you advance knowledge, before the actual marathon, of which parts may give you the most amount of trouble.

    Comment by Glen — May 30, 2007 @ 3:24 pm

  2. Glen, thanks for the advise! I ran San Francisco (first) Half Marathon 2 yrs ago so somewhat familiar with the terrain. The fun of running over the Golden Gate Bridge is just too much. Mile 5-6 and 9.5-10 are steep and 11-13 is a long stretch and I’ve done them at least once. I might try 14.5 – 17 mile stretch once before the race, but let’s see.

    Comment by Arun — May 30, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

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