Miles to go …

June 5, 2007

Sun @ Jazoon ‘07

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:39 pm

Sun Microsystems is a platinum sponsor of Jazoon ‘07. Here is a list of all the GlassFish and Web 2.0 related sessions:

  • Technical Overview of the Java EE 5 Platform (705)
  • The Zen of jMaki (1320)
  • Enterprise AJAX Using Java (1321)
  • See the Open Source Java EE Server GlassFish in Action! (1760)
  • Java Webservices And .NET Tangoing Together (1800)
  • Java Platform Automated Testing of Ajax Applications (1860)
  • GlassFish V3, Architecture Review (1900)
  • JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services (1920)
  • JavaFX Script – Declarative GUI Programming Language for the Java Platform (2161)

The complete list of technical sessions, birds-of-a-feather sessions, tutorials, software demonstrations, and work-in-progress sessions looks interesting. And of course, you can view these technologies and talk to us at the Sun exhibit.

Technorati: jazoon glassfish wsit jmaki web2.0 conf

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  5. Sun Web Services @ JavaOne 2007

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