Miles to go …

June 15, 2007

Virtual Google Developer Day

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 12:02 am

All the videos from Google Developer Day, Mountain View (May 31, 2007) are now available on youtube. In-lined are all the sessions I attended:


Opening Keynote

Google Maps API Introduction


A Look Behind the Scenes at Google



Mashups the Easy Way


Google Desktop Gadgets – Access, Share and Personalize Information


Custom Search Engine – Search in Your Hands


Technorati: googledeveloperday gdd gdd07 gdd07us youtube

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Related posts:
  1. Google Developer Day – May 31, 2007
  2. Google Developer Day Report
  3. YouTube, Amazon, Flickr, Google Architectures
  4. Sun Web Services Search Engine
  5. Ruby Developer Center @ Sun Developer Network – New Webpage

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