Miles to go …

June 24, 2007

Week 19 Mileage – 5 more weeks

Filed under: running — Tags: — arungupta @ 3:06 pm

Mon: Rest
Tue: 7 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: Rest
Sat: Rest
Sun: 12 miles

Here are the good reads of this time:

  • Your ‘Fast-Twitch’ Switch – Learn about how Slow-twitch and IIa and IIb Fast-twitch fibers workouts in your training mix will make you stronger in everything from 5-K to the marathon.
  • Take Your Running on Vacation – Tips and Tricks to make sure you get your run during your next vacation.
  • Design Your Running Diet – Foods that leave one runner strong may leave another one depleted. Here’s how to find what works best for you.
  • Fast Food Fixes – Knowing what to eat – and when – can take your training to the next level. Here are common mistakes and easy solutions.

Technorati: running fitness runninglog

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Related posts:
  1. Week 22 Mileage – 2 more weeks and taper down
  2. Week 18 Mileage – 6 more weeks
  3. Week 20 Mileage – 4 more weeks
  4. Week 14 Mileage
  5. Week 21 Mileage – 3 more weeks


  1. Arun,
    Looks like your marathon training is coming together very nicely. I think you’ll beat your 4 hour goal with very solid margin.
    I am a first time marathoner also doing the SFM. I’ll see you there !

    Comment by Sten — June 26, 2007 @ 1:31 pm

  2. I hope to beat the 4-hour margin, see you there!

    Comment by Arun — June 27, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

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