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June 25, 2007

Why GlassFish over JBoss ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:02 am

A lively discussion happened on GlassFish Forums where a user asked for pros/cons for GlassFish vs JBoss. A community user explained his reasons to choose GlassFish over JBoss. Here are they key points:

  1. Admin GUI and CLI alone are true differentiators.
  2. Java EE5 with EJB3 is much better to work with and GlassFish is JavaEE5 compatible, of course it’s the Reference Implementation as well.
  3. Seamless integration with NetBeans.
  4. Solid and consolidated documentation.

Some other quotes are:

  • "overall GF is just plain easier to use and that’s my major pain point."
  • "The new clustering looks spectacular"
  • "GF is really a joy to work with and we haven’t had any major problem using it"
  • "you will be up to speed and productive more quickly on GF than JBoss, and just as important, you will stay that way"
  • "because of JEE 5, EJB3, and the JPA, and leveraging that technology, our applications run better, and are easier to maintain. GF is not the sole perveyor of such technology, but the combination and integration of the whole thing: GF, NB, EJB3, and the low learning curve and overall ease of use makes the entire package a "performance win" for our apps as is"
  • "The best part is the server is handling more and more of the stuff we need to do and we have to work around it less and less."

And if these are not enough for you to choose GlassFish, here is a more detailed list of Why Use GlassFish ?.

And we see GlassFish as "GlassFish is WebLogic Features and Performance at JBoss’s price" except we are shooting for better Features and Performance than WebLogic!

Technorati: glassfish jboss opensource

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1 Comment »

  1. As a member of the Application Server documentation team, I find the remarks about the documentation music to my ears!

    Comment by Paul Davies — June 25, 2007 @ 5:40 pm

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