Miles to go …

June 27, 2007

Yet Another Microsoft Interop Plugfest

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 4:52 pm

Microsoft announced a 3-day Web services interoperability plugfest from Jul 10-12, 2007. At Sun Microsystems, we love to Tango with Windows Communication Foundation component of .NET 3.0 framework and so we’ll be participating using GlassFish V2. This may be the last plugfest before GlassFish V2 is released later this year.

As in earlier events, attendees implement a set of pre-defined scenarios based on WS-* specs using their Web services stack. They participate with implementation on their laptops and interoperate using their client and Microsoft endpoint and vice versa.

The set of scenarios are based on the following specifications:

  • Basic Messaging Scenarios using protocols: SOAP1.1, SOAP1.2, WS-Addressing 2004/08 and 2005/10, MTOM
  • Message Security Scenarios using WS-Security 1.0, WS-Security 1.1, WS Secure Conversation 2005/02, WS-Trust 2005/02, Username Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), X509 Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), SAML Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), Kerberos Token Profile 1.1.
  • STS – Security Token Service scenarios
  • Reliable Messaging using WS-ReliableMessaging v1.0 (2005/02)
  • Transactions using WS-AtomicTransaction v1.0 (2004/10) and WS-Coordination v1.0 (2004/10)
  • WS-Policy v1.2 (2004/09) and WS-Metadata Exchange (2004/09) are included in several scenarios
  • Windows CardSpace scenarios

Microsoft is also looking for interop testing with pre-release version of .NET Framework 3.5 (codename Orcas) with the following versions of specifications:

  • Message Security Scenarios using WS Secure Conversation v1.3 (2005/12), WS-Trust v1.3 (2005/12)
  • RX – Reliable Messaging using WS-Reliable Messaging v1.1 (2007/02)
  • Transactions using WS-Atomic Transaction v1.1 (2006/06) and WS-Coordination v1.1 (2006/06)
  • WS-Policy v1.5

We run the interop tests regularly with our builds. The results for Tango M5 milestone build shows details for each technology.

Microsoft still need to work out some kinks before the real work can begin:

  • The plugfest schedule still seem to be dated March
  • Not all the scenarios and endpoints as mentioned in the announcement are available
  • Invite logistics page is giving a 404
  • Not all the endpoints are up, atleast RM endpoints are down. Anyway, the endpoints have been down at multiple instances (here, here, here, here and probably other times too!).

But we are still going to participate :) Sun’s participation in the previous plugfests can be followed here.

Technorati: webservices wsit plugfest glassfish microsoft interoperability

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Related posts:
  1. Fourth Microsoft Interop Plugfest Report
  2. Interop Plugfest: Behind the curtains
  3. Bigger and Better and Second Plugfest!
  4. WS-I and WSIT – What’s the difference ?
  5. WSIT and WCF Plugfest


  1. Hello Arun,
    I have a question for you: What is the difference between Tango/WSIT and the WS-I Basic Profile–if the latter were complete and perfect and everyone designed their web services following it, there would be no need for WSIT, correct? Or are there aspects of WSIT that the WS-I Basic Profile will never cover?

    Comment by Glen Mazza — June 28, 2007 @ 8:28 am

  2. Glen, WS-I and WSIT are very similar and different. Read more at:

    Comment by Arun — June 28, 2007 @ 6:27 pm

  3. Hi Arun, Thank you for this blog which is full of informations!

    I’m trying to implement a WCF client using .NET 3.5 connecting a WSIT service secured by a WSIT STS. I’m getting into a lot of troubles when it comes to configure the app.config of the WCF client. As I see that you master the interoperability between WCF and WSIT, may I ask you if you could provide me some example of a WCF client connecting a WSIT STS ?

    My quest of find such an example on internet was successless…As google always refer you when it’s about WSIT I think you are the good person to contact ;-)

    Thanks again!

    Comment by Nicolas Brasey — September 11, 2008 @ 4:03 am

  4. Nicolas,

    Your question will be getting answered at:

    Comment by Arun Gupta — September 11, 2008 @ 10:15 am

  5. What is the difference between Tango/WSIT and the WS-I Basic Profile–if the latter were complete and perfect and everyone designed their web services following it, there would be no need for WSIT, correct? Or are there aspects of WSIT that the WS-I Basic Profile will never cover?

    Comment by BATTERY — November 27, 2008 @ 5:04 pm

  6. WS-I Basic Profile does not talk about Security, Reliability and Transactional aspects of Web services. And that’s where WSIT excels in interop with .NET. Read more about their differences at:

    Comment by Arun Gupta — November 28, 2008 @ 7:04 am

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