Miles to go …

July 11, 2007

Project Tango: An Overview – New Article

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 6:29 am

TheServerSide announced the availability of Project Tango: An Overview article. This 26-page article provides a comprehensive overview of Project Tango explaining topics such as:

  • What is Project Tango ?
  • What features does it provide ?
  • How is it related to Metro and GlassFish ?
  • How NetBeans IDE provide a simple and intuitive Tango programming model ?
  • How Project Tango can be used to solve real-life scenarios ?

And lots of other details.

Project Tango (Web Services Interoperability Technology or WSIT) is an open source implementation from Sun Microsystems of the key enterprise Web services specifications, commonly known as WS-*, that provides interoperability with .NET 3.0 framework. This article is a good starting place if you don’t know anything about Project Tango. If you are already familiar then it serves as a good reference with all different aspects of Project Tango.

Please leave a comment on this blog for feedback.

Technorati: tango wsit webservices glassfish netbeans theserverside whitepaper

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Related posts:
  1. Tango Overview – Now Translated in Chinese
  2. Ask the WSIT/Project Tango Experts
  3. Project Tango @ Java One 2006 – Part 2
  4. Sun and Microsoft: Interoperability Now – New Article
  5. Project Tango @ SDN Channel


  1. Arun, I’m confused with WSIT installation on NetBeans 5.5.1–do we need to install the WSIT plug-in modules separately as [1] indicates, or are they already part of the Enterprise Pack, as [2] says? (I certainly hope #2 is the case–anything to simplify things…) I’ve already installed the Enterprise pack but can’t seem to see the plug-in modules as shown in the WSIT tutorial. Thanks, Glen

    [1] (see instruction #8)
    (Quote: “Enterprise Pack for Netbeans IDE 5.5.1 or the WSIT plug-in modules for Netbeans IDE 5.5.1″)

    Comment by Glen — July 19, 2007 @ 9:21 pm

  2. I recommend to install the plugin separately, because newer versions contain latest bug fixes.
    Plans with Enterprise Pack have changed since M4, so for NetBeans 5.5.1 you have to go through the manual separate install of WSIT modules.
    For NetBeans 6 (under development, Beta to be released soon), WSIT modules are already part of NetBeans standard distribution, so there’s no manual step required.

    Comment by Martin Grebac — July 20, 2007 @ 3:21 am

  3. Thanks Martin–will do!

    Comment by Glen — July 20, 2007 @ 12:24 pm

  4. [Trackback] "Project Tango: Adding Quality of Service and .NET Interoperability to the Metro Web Services Stack" – The original article, introduced here, provides an introduction to how different Quality-of-Service, such as Security, Reliability and Transactions a…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — January 17, 2008 @ 6:05 am

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