Miles to go …

January 14, 2008

GlassFish, Metro and NetBeans @ Delhi University

Filed under: netbeans, webservices — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

Agraj, the newly recruited Campus Ambassador @ Delhi University, gave his first presentation to approx 100 students. And it was all about GlassFish, NetBeans and Web services. Here are some key points that he covered in his preso:

  • Why NetBeans rocks over Eclipse ?
  • Difference between Tomcat and GlassFish
  • Web services 101
  • Ease-of-Web services development and deployment with NetBeans and GlassFish integration

Stay tuned for him when he posts more detailed notes on each of these topics.

Technorati: campusambassador delhi netbeans glassfish metro

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Related posts:
  1. Meet Agraj Mangal – Sun Campus Ambassador for Delhi University
  2. GlassFish @ Delhi University
  3. Screencast #WS7: Secure and Reliable Web service using Metro/GlassFish and NetBeans IDE 6
  4. TOTD #21: Metro 1.1 with GlassFish v2 UR1 and NetBeans 6
  5. GlassFish setup for 120 programmers in University of Copenhagen


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    Comment by university — January 15, 2008 @ 12:11 am

  2. deed

    Comment by Anonymous — January 15, 2008 @ 1:58 am

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