January 26, 2008

“Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki” @ South Bay Ruby Meetup – Jan 29, 7pm

Categories: web2.0

I’ll be speaking on "Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki" at South Bay Ruby Meetup on Jan 29 (Tuesday) @ 7pm. Read more details here.

You’ll learn:

  • How GlassFish provides an easy-to-use and production-quality development and deployment environment for your JRuby-on-Rails applications ?
  • How GlassFish is a "green" alternative for deploying JRuby-on-Rails applications ?
  • What is GlassFish v3 Gem ?
  • How jMaki allows you to create visually appealing views for Rails applications ?
  • How NetBeans provide first-class support for creating Rails applications ?

Thanks to Bala for providing an opportunity to talk about our efforts! Let’s keep an interactive dialog and learn from each other :)

Technorati: conf jruby rubyonrails glassfish netbeans meetup

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Related posts:
  1. South Bay Ruby Meetup Trip Report
  2. Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki @ The Server Side Java Symposium, Las Vegas – Mar 26, 2008
  3. GlassFish at Silicon Valley Rails Meetup
  4. Silicon Valley Rails Meetup, Mar 2009 – Slides & Pics
  5. jMaki, NetBeans and GlassFish in Rails Conf Europe 2007

1 Comment »

  1. [Trackback] As mentioned earlier, I presented on "Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki" at South Bay Ruby Meetup yesterday. The slides are available here. The demos showed in the talk are listed below: screencast #web9 – Create standalone and shared WA…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — January 30, 2008 @ 10:31 pm

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