
January 30, 2008

South Bay Ruby Meetup Trip Report

Categories: web2.0

As mentioned earlier, I presented on "Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki" at South Bay Ruby Meetup yesterday. The slides are available here.

The demos showed in the talk are listed below:

  • screencast #web9 – Create standalone and shared WARs that can be deployed on GlassFish
  • GlassFish v3 gem – Create a simple Rails app and run it using GlassFish gem instead of WEBrick or Mongrel
  • screencast #web8 – Create visually appealing views for Rails applications using jMaki

There were approx 25 attendees with an extremely interactive session. I would love to capture all the Q&A but the audience kept me busy :)

You can read about JRuby-on-GlassFish and NetBeans/Ruby support. GlassFish success stories are described in blogs.sun.com/stories.

Let me know if you are interested in having this talk at your Ruby meetup.

Technorati: conf jruby rubyonrails glassfish netbeans meetup netbeans

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Related posts:
  1. “Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki” @ South Bay Ruby Meetup – Jan 29, 7pm
  2. Silicon Valley Rails Meetup, Mar 2009 – Slides & Pics
  3. Right Scale User Meetup Trip Report
  4. GlassFish at Silicon Valley Rails Meetup
  5. Mid West Java Tech Days 2007 – Chicago Trip Report

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