Miles to go …

April 15, 2008

jMaki Webtop on GlassFish – Ajax World Keynote Video

Filed under: glassfish, jmaki — arungupta @ 12:02 am

jMaki Webtop is a light-weight Mashup Framework based on jMaki widgets. The webtop was demonstrated at Ajax World East 2008 keynote. The key features are:

  • Simple & easy to use (runs in browser)
  • Extensible (add your own widgets & gadgets)
  • Manageable (create users)
  • Persistent (Google Gears on the client, Database on the server)
  • Shared (read-only views can be shared with other users)

A 30-minute video of the Ajax World keynote session is available here and shows webtop in action :) The keynote deployed the webtop as a WAR file on GlassFish. A live PHP version of webtop is available at

You can download the entire source code from the subversion repository and run it yourself.

Technorati: conf ajaxworld newyork glassfish jmaki

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  1. jMaki and Asynchronous Ajax @ Ajax World, New York 2008
  2. jMaki @ Ajax World, New York 2008
  3. jMaki: AJAX Framework
  4. Ajax World New York 2008 – This Week
  5. Sun @ Ajax World

1 Comment »

  1. Hi Arun,

    For those that want to see more specific demos check out:

    Our jMaki Event Calendar at:

    A Flickr Gallery + Tag Cloud :

    Or a Map + Geocoder at:

    Enjoy the Webtop


    Comment by Greg Murray — April 15, 2008 @ 11:06 am

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