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May 17, 2008

Ask The “JRuby + NetBeans + GlassFish” Experts

Filed under: netbeans, web2.0 — arungupta @ 9:15 am

NetBeans and GlassFish have changed the landscape of Ruby, JRuby and Rails development and deployment. Code completion, debugging, similar development and deployment environment and many other features (NetBeans, GlassFish) together make it a compelling offering.

Tor Norbye, Brian Leonard and Charles Nutter are fielding questions on Ruby/JRuby/Rails support in the NetBeans IDE and GlassFish in a week-long Ask The Expert session (May 19-23). A complete archive of the Q&A will be available later. You can submit your question here.

If “Ask The Expert” window is missed, the questions can always be asked on , and .

Technorati: ruby jruby rubyonrails netbeans glassfish web2.0

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