August 3, 2008

San Francisco Half Marathon 2008 Completed

Categories: marathons, running

Even though it took me 4 minutes extra from 2005 Half Marathon but I’m happy with the results knowing the amount of practice put in. The complete results are available here.

It was really exciting to be running with 19,000+ runners. The spectators, volunteers, staff, cops and everybody else were excellent. It is definitely fun to run this course with the amount of energy and planning, most likely will run again next year as well. Here is a video shot of marathon start:

Even though I ran a half-marathon but my 5-year old and wife did their own by waking up 3am in the morning, driving me around and then picking me from the finish line. Check out some pictures at:

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Now that’s a total tally of 2 half & 2 full marathons for me:

  • San Francisco Full Marathon 2007
  • Silicon Valley Full Marathon 2006
  • San Francisco Half Marathon 2005

Next one is Silicon Valley Half Marathon on Oct 26, 2008. And if you are a Sun employee and running Silicon Valley, we do have a corporate team and even a 10% discount on registration (even backdated ;-) . Send me an email and I’ll get you connected.

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Related posts:
  1. Silicon Valley Half Marathon 2008 Completed – best time so far
  2. Completed Kaiser Permanente San Francisco 1/2 Marathon – PR
  3. San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 Completed – Personal Best so far!
  4. – An exhaustive marathon directory
  5. Running San Francisco Marathon 2008

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