Miles to go …

September 12, 2008

GlassFish swimming to Brazil

Filed under: general — arungupta @ 5:00 am

September is the month of Java in Brazil. There are developer events and Java conferences through out the country. And the month ends by kick starting Sun Tech Days in the city of Sao Paulo. Kohsuke is already in Brazil and here is my schedule:

Sep 23-26 Brasilia
Sep 27 Vitoria
Sep 28-Oct 1 Sau Paulo

I’ll be talking about GlassFish, it’s ecosystem, Scripting Langauges & Web frameworks (for example Ruby-on-Rails and Groovy-on-Grails), Hudson, Web services and anything else around GlassFish :)

This is my first trip to Brazil so I’m really excited and gathered some facts. Here are some interesting tidbits:

  • Largest and mot populous country in South America
  • Fifth largest country by geographical area (5.7% of total land, approx 88% of USA)
  • Fifth most populous country (2.81 % of world population, approx 61% of USA)
  • Consists of 26 states and one Federal District, Brasilia is the capital city, Sao Paulo is the economic center
  • Equator line passes through the northern tip of Brazl in the state of Amapa (my first trip to Southern Hemisphere)
  • Has 60% of the biggest and the richest tropical rainforest – Amazon Rainforest (most diverse population of birds)
  • Brazilian Football (known as Soccer in USA) has produced some of finest players – Pele, Three R’s (Ronaldo, Rivaldo & Ronaldinho). And they have won FIFA World Cup Football a record 5 times.
  • Samba Dance and Rio Carnival demonstrates the true dancing spirit

And of course To Brazil by Venga Boys as shown in the video below:

Lets hope I get my visa in time before the travel ;-)

More details to come …

Technorati: conf brazil suntechdays glassfish

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Related posts:
  1. GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil
  2. JavaOne Brazil Call for Papers is open – submit now
  3. Travel tips for Brazil
  4. GlassFish @ ES JUG, Brazil
  5. in Brazil picked GlassFish – Find out why!

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