Miles to go …

September 19, 2008

LOTD #8: launched: Everything about Sun and Students

Filed under: general, lotd — arungupta @ 4:00 am is one-stop for all students interested in Sun Microsystems.

It has content related to all students:

  • Student Lounge where students can hang out (facebook, friendfeed, flickr and others)
  • Student Blogs
  • OSUM community (Open Source University Meetup, pronounced “awesome”)
  • Campus Ambassadors

and many other pointers. Visit today!

Here are few GlassFish specific pointers for students:

  • GlassFish and MySQL Contest – 3 steps to earn $500
  • – one-stop resource for all students interested in GlassFish

Technorati: lotd students sun glassfish spotlight

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Related posts:
  1. OSUM – Open Source University Meetup – awesome venue for students!
  2. LOTD #18: Campus Ambassadors presenting on GlassFish – France & India
  3. Free GlassFish Webinar for Students at OSUM
  4. Spotlight – GlassFish Resources for Education Community
  5. GlassFish and MySQL Student Contest – 3 steps to earn $500

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