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September 27, 2008

LOTD #9: Advantages of JRuby over MRI

Filed under: lotd, web2.0 — arungupta @ 2:17 pm

Andreas blogged about why he likes JRuby even though he dislikes Java.

JRuby is “It’s just Ruby” with more than 50,000 tests to ensure MRI compliance. The blog highlights that there is no need to know Java, at all, to run JRuby. Here are some advantages that are described in the blog:

  1. JVM runtime optimization
  2. Efficient memory usage
  3. Native threads to spread work on multiple cores
  4. Great garbage collection to make memory usage more efficient
  5. JIT and AOT compilation
  6. Inegration with Java libraries
  7. Running Rails applications on existing Java application servers
  8. Documentation and specs

Read more details here.

Do you know Rails applications can be deployed (without any packaging) on GlassFish v3 ? Check out more details here.

Technorati: lotd jruby ruby rubyonrails glassfish

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Related posts:
  1. LOTD #3: Rails 2.2 going multi-threaded
  2. LOTD #16: Hotspot Flags, JRuby Version String, and JRuby/MRI Benchmark
  3. LOTD #4: Rails running on GlassFish @ LinkedIn
  4. LOTD #21: Production Deployment Tips for running Rails on GlassFish v2 using Windows
  5. LOTD #6: Rails Deployment on GlassFish in 4 steps and 15 minutes


  1. I am also a java enthusiast and is overwhelmed by the power and flexibility it delivers to programmers.
    But I am now doing an encryption program and is using java as my platform. I want to have a very fast file reading and writing mechanism. Truly speaking all the methods for file operations in java are very slow( compared to cpp or ruby).
    Do you think that the jruby could be a solution for my problem?.

    Comment by Sandeep G.R — February 13, 2009 @ 4:55 am

  2. Sandeep, JRuby allows to run Ruby scripts on a Java Virtual Machine. With JRuby, Ruby scripts can be invoked from Java and vice versa. I’m not very familiar with Ruby programming language but if Ruby language has better file reading/writing capabilities, then you can consider using those libraries.

    Comment by Arun Gupta — March 2, 2009 @ 11:03 am

  3. I dont believe that you make more than 50k tests for it.

    Comment by eskort — March 8, 2009 @ 2:43 pm

  4. First of all , thank you so much for taking the time to provide me a reply for my last post.
    Now I have one more request.
    I have written an Encrypter Program in Java. Though it was naive in the beginning,it has evolved much over time. Now I have uploaded the ver 3.1 of my program on
    Though it has crossed 500 downloads, I have not received any feedback about my program.
    I am person who has very limited net access, so don’t know much about algorithm analysts. I would like to review my algorithm(s) by some one who know what it does.So kindly take a look at it. I am planning for a re-structuring of the program and I don’t want errors and mistakes to be repeated in the new program.
    I consider you as a person with the capability to review it. Please look into it sir.
    The download link for the program is:

    Comment by Sandeep G.R — March 21, 2009 @ 5:01 am

  5. Sandeep, please post your question to one of the forums at:

    Comment by Arun Gupta — March 27, 2009 @ 11:33 am

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