Miles to go …

September 1, 2008

Rails Conf Europe 2008 and Bratwurst-on-Rails

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 11:19 pm

I arrived Berlin yesterday on a non-adventurous United flight from San Francisco, just the way I like it! The flight from Frankfurt was delayed 30 minutes but that’s normal these days :)

The venue of RailsConf Europe 2008 is same as last year so street names/geography are somewhat familiar. But the conference hotel was sold out so am instead staying across the street. Visited Brandenburger Tor for a short duration after checking into the hotel. Also stopped by the Peugeot showroom on Unter den Linden and saw popular bear figurines in a side street. The evening ended with a social gathering celebrating the popular German culture of Bratwurst-on-Rails.

It’s always exciting to meet my blog readers, thank you! Let me know if I’m missing any of your expectations.

The tutorial starts today and the conference starts tomorrow. If you are in Berlin, don’t forget to attend the joint JUG and TU-Berlin talk. And my talk on “Rails powered by GlassFish” is scheduled on Thursday, Sep 4 @ 1:40pm.

The evening really eneded with a 40 minutes run and dinner in room service. The Jolly Hotel is really nice, newer rooms, courteous staff, delicious and very neatly prepared Club Chicken sandwich and prompt room service, definitely a good recommendation. However the fitness center is minimal with one ultra-loud treadmill and 3 other basic machines. The hotel staff informed that they are working on furnishing the fitness center (known as Wellness Center here). And there is only one American channel which is only talking about Storm Gustav and Republican National Convetion, Juno of Juneau since my arrival  :(

Anyway, enjoy the pictures so far!

And the complete album:

Technorati: conf railsconf berlin glassfish netbeans rubyonrails

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  2. Follow Rails Conf Europe 2008
  3. GlassFish @ Rails Conf Europe 2008
  4. Rails Conf Europe 2008 – Day 3
  5. LOTD #9: Slides for Deploying and Monitoring Ruby on Rails Tutorial @ Rails Conf Europe 2008

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