
November 17, 2008

GlassFish @ JavaMUG – Trip Report

Categories: general

Presented on GlassFish at Java MUG last week. The event is hosted at Sun’s North Dallas Office. It was impressive to know that local Sun team is hosting 4 User Groups (MySQL, Solaris, and OpenSolaris other than the JUG) in a month.

The evening started around 6pm when the attendees started showing up for socializing over Pizza and Soda. The JUG started with a brief introduction by Eric Weibust – the JUG leader. The community leaders from Spring User Group, Dallas Rules Group, and SOA Users Group then gave an update in their user groups.

After the sponsor’s pitch, I explained What/Why/How of GlassFish. The slides are available here. It was pretty exciting when 100% of attendees have heard about GlassFish. A few of them are using it for development as well and now we need to work on getting some production deployments there :)

The demos showed in the talk can be accessed at:

  • Rapid Deployment using deploy-on-save for JSP/Servlets
  • Rails develop/run/debug using NetBeans
  • Secure, Reliable, Transactional, and .NET-interoperable Web service

Here are some pictures:

And then the complete album:

Thanks for showing up and listening about GlassFish. I’m catching up on email and will start responding to the requests from JUG attendees!

Technorati: conf glassfish jug javamug dallas

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    Comment by brief — November 17, 2008 @ 1:48 pm

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