December 1, 2008

TOTD #58: Jersey and GlassFish – how to process POST requests ?

Categories: totd, webservices

Lets extend the Jersey endpoint (TOTD# 56) and client (TOTD# 57) such that it can accept a POST request and then invoke it.

  1. Add a new method to “” from TOTD# 56 as:

        public Greeting postIt(Greeting greeting) {
            System.out.println(”In POST: ” + greeting.greeting);
            return greeting;

    The first line indicates that the Java method will process HTTP POST requests. The second and third line shows that the method consumes and produces JSON data format.

  2. Add a new method to “” from TOTD# 57 as:
        public void testPost() {
            Greeting result = createResource().
                    post(Greeting.class, new Greeting(”yo!”));

    The main difference from the “testApp()” method is specifying the MIME type of the generated outbound request as “application/json”.

  3. Running the test as “mvn test” shows the following output:
    Running org.glassfish.samples.AppTest
    1 * Out-bound request
    1 > GET http://localhost:8080/helloworld-webapp/webresources/myresource
    1 >
    1 < 200
    1 < X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
    1 < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    1 < Content-Type: text/plain
    1 < Server: GlassFish/v3
    1 < Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 20:19:34 GMT
    1 <
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?><greeting><greeting>Hi there!</greeting></greeting>
    1 * In-bound response
    1 * Out-bound request
    1 > POST http://localhost:8080/helloworld-webapp/webresources/myresource
    1 > Content-Type: application/json
    1 >
    1 < 200
    1 < X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
    1 < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    1 < Content-Type: application/json
    1 < Server: GlassFish/v3
    1 < Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 20:19:34 GMT
    1 <
    1 * In-bound response
    Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.191 sec

    The output shows request/response messages when both the tests are run together. Here are some highlights:

    1. “GET” and “POST” methods are clearly highlighted.
    2. The two “Content-Type” headers with value “text/plain” and ”application/json” are output from two tests. The output from POST method has two Content-Type headers, one for outbound request and another one for inbound response.
    3. The body content of POST method is using JSON format.

Jersey and GlassFish provides a complete server-side and client-side API and framework for deploying and invoking RESTful Web service endpoints.

How are you using Jersey ?

Send all your questions to .

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Technorati: totd glassfish v3 embeddable jersey jsr311 rest json webservices

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Related posts:
  1. TOTD #57: Jersey Client API – simple and easy to use
  2. TOTD #56: Simple RESTful Web service using Jersey and Embeddable GlassFish – Text and JSON output
  3. TOTD #8: Generating JSON using JAXB annotations in Jersey
  4. TOTD #10: Consuming JSON and XML representations generated by a Jersey endpoint in a jMaki Table widget
  5. TOTD #98: Create a Metro JAX-WS Web service using GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse


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    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — December 4, 2008 @ 7:12 am

  2. Ttt

    Comment by dizi izle — February 21, 2009 @ 9:25 am

  3. tsKler

    Comment by dizi izle — February 21, 2009 @ 9:26 am

  4. thx u aran gupta

    Comment by sinema izle — March 7, 2009 @ 3:36 pm

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