
January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Categories: personal

Wishing everybody a very happy and prosperous 2009!

With 275 total blog entries published during 2008 on this blog, 2008 was the most blogging-healthy year. Thanks to all the readers of this blog for a continually increased readership.

Here are some statistics for this blog for the year 2008 (2007 stats here) generated by Google Analytics:

2007 reported 183,031 visits and that shows upto 86% growth in page visits.

The average index is constantly over 2000 (again better than 2007). But there is a definite mismatch between numbers reported blogs.sun.com (powered by Roller) and Google Analytics. Unless the definition of “page views” is different, the numbers reported on this blog are constantly in the figure of 6-8K/day and Analytics report only in the vicinity of 2K.

Here is a geographic distribution of visitors:

And same data using ClustrMaps (from Jun 20, 2008 only):

Jun 2007 – Jun 2008 clustrmap is archived here.

Here is the tag cloud (including number of blog entries on each tag):

And finally here are the top-25 accessed blog entries:

Enjoy the new year eve celebrations all around the world:

Let 2009 bring peace and prosperity every where!

Technorati: happynewyear 2008 2009 blogs bsc googleanalytics milestogo

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Related posts:
  1. Happy New Year 2008!
  2. “Miles to go …” 3 years old
  3. blogs.sun.com turns 5
  4. “Miles to go” is 4 years old … yaay!
  5. 800th Blog Entry


  1. Hi Arun,

    May I ask you where did you insert Google Analytics scriptlet in blogs.sun.com?


    Comment by Dominique — January 6, 2009 @ 9:33 am

  2. Dominique,

    In Design/Templates/_sideColumn.

    I think you may need a custom theme in order to show these templates.

    Comment by Arun Gupta — January 6, 2009 @ 9:55 am

  3. Thanks.

    Comment by Dominique — January 7, 2009 @ 4:42 am

  4. thanx u

    Comment by sinema izle — March 7, 2009 @ 3:41 pm

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