January 29, 2009

“Sparks of passion” in the “world of Open Source” – Archana N contributes to GlassFish Documentation

Categories: general

Interested in contributing to open source ? Archana N has a recommendation for you:

Flame the sparks of passion in you,
Experience the world of Open Source anew.
Discover your potentials as they unfold,
Venture to contribute in the technologies untold.

Archana N is an ex-Sun Campus Ambassador from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. Recently she contributed on how to secure the existing EJB converter example from the Java EE tutorial using mutual authentication. She continue to work on developing RESTful web services using Project Jersey as her next contribution for GlassFish documentation.

The GlassFish Documentation team published her interview to recognize the efforts, read it here.

Thank you Archana for your contribution to GlassFish, keep the passion alive!

If you are interested in learning/talking about GlassFish at your university, spotlight.dev.java.net/start provides a comprehensive set of slides (with speaker notes), demos, screencasts, training materials and other resources to get you started!

Technorati: glassfish students campusambassador spotlight

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