Miles to go …

January 5, 2009

TOTD #59: How to add Twitter feeds to ? + Other Twitter Tools

Filed under: personal, totd — Tags: — arungupta @ 5:00 am

Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’s updates which are text-based posts upto 140 characters in length. This Tip Of The Day will show how to add Twitter feeds to your blog but first some facts about Twitter:

The State of Twittersphere Q4 2008 was released recently (generated using Tweet Grader) and shows:

  • Total of 4-5 million users
  • 70% users joined in 2008, 20% joined in past 60 days, 5-10 new accounts/day (so mostly noobies)
  • Only 5% have 250 or more followers
  • Only 0.8% have 1000 or more followers
  • 35% tweeters have 10 or fewer followers
  • 9% tweeters follow no one at all

Here are Tweet Grader statistics generated for @arungupta:

Lets add twitter feeds to your blog:

  1. Go to and select Other as shown below:

    It allows you to create Flash and HTML widgets for any web page. Twitter feeds can be directly added to some other popular social networking websites by selecting their option.

  2. Click on “Continue” and choose between Flash or HTML widget as shown below:

  3. Click on “Continue” and feel free to customize as shown below:

    “Number of updates” is the number of tweets that will be shown and title can be changed as well.

  4. For, this obtained code fragment can be easily added to “_sideColumn” template.

Here are some other nifty tools to manage your Twitter account:

  1. Twitterfeed: Twitter your blog entries
  2. Twitterank: Page rank for Tweeters (85.01 as of this writing, live here)
  3. Twinfluence: Combined influence of twitterers and followers (as of Jan 2)
  4. TwitterCounter: Widget that shows twitterer follower
  5. TwitterFox: Firefox extension that notifies of tweets (really sweet and lots of other related plugins)
  6. SocialToo: Manage online interactions of Twitter (surveys, auto-follow/unfollow, Direct Messages to new followers)
  7. TweetStats: Trends and analysis as shown below:

    Live stats for @arungupta are available here.

  8. TweetLater: Schedule tweets for a particular time/day and some other features similar to SocialToo (auto-follow/unfollow and DM to new followers)
  9. Easy Tweets: Schedule tweets in future, automatically post RSS feeds and other similar features

There are numerous other tools available to manage your Twitter account! What is your favorite ?

Please leave suggestions on other TOTD (Tip Of The Day) that you’d like to see. An archive of all the tips is available here.

Technorati: twitter microblogging blogs bsc milestogo

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  1. I want to find out how to do the reverse :) Post a status update to Twitter and Facebook when I do a new blog entry. Have not been able to get a good enough Google query to find it :(

    Comment by Eric Arseneau — January 5, 2009 @ 7:52 am

  2. Twitterfeed is your answer, that’s the first link in the list above :)

    Comment by Arun Gupta — January 5, 2009 @ 9:55 am

  3. Oops, yes I ran into that yesterday. Should have been more careful, would like it to work for Twitter and Facebook, so now I assume I can find a plugin that will take my twitters and echo them onto FB :)

    Comment by Eric Arseneau — January 5, 2009 @ 10:00 am

  4. That’s possible too, just install the Twitter application ( in your FB profile and then all status updates @ Twitter are synced up every 30 minutes with FB. That’s how my FB profile gets status updates :)

    Comment by Arun Gupta — January 5, 2009 @ 10:12 am

  5. thanx u arun gupta

    Comment by sinema izle — March 7, 2009 @ 3:43 pm

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