February 13, 2009

Little India, Singapore in Pictures

Categories: photography

Little India in Singapore is a great glimpse of Indian culture in Singapore. It has access to everything Indian in a matter of few streets: grocery, clothes, restaurants, music collections, temple, jewelry, and anything else you can think.

Click on the map below to explore the exact location:

I spent my yesterday evening strolling through the streets of Little India and took some pictures:

And the complete album at:

I think it’s worth an experience :)

Technorati: traveltips singapore india littleindia

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1 Comment »

  1. Hi my name is sateesh from india,my home town is in hyderabad.I am intrested to come to singapore,any job i m getting insingapore city,please give me the suggestions and advices to from your side
    Thanking you,

    Comment by sateesh — July 21, 2009 @ 1:13 am

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