February 4, 2009

LOTD #16: Hotspot Flags, JRuby Version String, and JRuby/MRI Benchmark

Categories: lotd, web2.0

This post shares 3 links that were recently published.

The first one is about the Favorite Hotspot JVM Flags by Charlie. See how you can use them for tweaking performance or investigating runtime metrics.

The second one is about using JRuby Version String. It explains the detailed meaning of the version string printed by “jruby –version”. If you read it carefully then you know the date, hardware, platform, SVN revision and even state of Charlie’s local git-svn clone.

The third and the last one is about benchmark results between MRI and JRuby with the following summary:

From my tests it appears that MRI is faster in single threaded mode, but JRuby makes up for the loss big time in the multi-threaded tests. It’s also interesting to see that the multi-threaded mode gives MRI(green threads) a performance boost, but it’s nowhere close to the boost that JRuby(native threads) can squeeze out from using multiple threads.

Read Igor’s report for more results.

And while you are reading this entry, did you know that GlassFish Gem 0.9.2 was recently released ? Use it for running your Rails applications seamlessly :)

All previous entries in this series are archived at LOTD.

Technorati: lotd glassfish v3 gem jruby ruby hotspot vm

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  2. LOTD #3: Rails 2.2 going multi-threaded
  3. LOTD #6: Rails Deployment on GlassFish in 4 steps and 15 minutes
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1 Comment »

  1. Actually MRI Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 green threads are pretty useless, or so my tests prove.


    Comment by victori — May 1, 2009 @ 10:39 am

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