Miles to go …

February 9, 2009

LOTD #17: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Administration and Deployment Course – SAS 4455

Filed under: lotd, web2.0 — arungupta @ 5:00 am

Interested in learning how to configure, administer, and deploy web applications, EJB applications, and Web services on GlassFish ?

This 4-day instructor-led workshop (with numerous hands-on labs) introduces you to various Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server (GlassFish) concepts and functions ranging from introductory to advanced and provides you with hands-on experience via remote labs. You also learn to enable various advanced GlassFish features, such as in-memory replication, high availability database (HADB), load balancing, monitoring and logging, clustering, and security.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Install, upgrade, migrate, and uninstall GlassFish
  • Configure GlassFish
  • Create a clustered GlassFish environment
  • Deploy applications in GlassFish
  • Perform logging and monitoring in GlassFish
  • Install and configure the load balancer plug-in
  • Configure and use in-memory replication
  • Configure and use HADB for high availability
  • Configure advanced features of GlassFish
  • Configure the security features of GlassFish
  • Configure and work with databases
  • Work with Sun Java System Message Queue (Message Queue) Clustered Application Server

The class is offered in different cities across the United States. You can even request a dedicated class for your organization.

Register today!

If the timings/location don’t work out, you can even take an online version of this course from SAS-1600: GlassFish Application Server: Administration Bundle.

All previous links in this series are archived at LOTD.

Technorati: lotd glassfish administration deployment training course

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