
March 6, 2009

800th Blog Entry

Categories: personal

Do you know this blog has been read in 19,457 cities from 208 countries, has more than 25% repeat visitors, and close to 3000 comments ?

Now that’s nothing comparable to Scobleizer or TechCrunch but I’m still happy with the achievement :)

This is the 800th blog entry in little over 3.5 years and below are some statistics.

Before this blog is published, the following counter was shown in the top-right corner of the blog:

With this blog, the # of blog entries will now be incremented to 800.

Here are some charts generated by Google Analytics since Dec 2006:

And then a geographic distribution of visitors …

And the page views …

Here is another distribution (since Jun 2008) generated by clustrmaps:

Archived versions of Jun 2006 – Jun 2007 and Jun 2007- Jun 2008 are available. I really wish however there was a way to generate a consolidated map from all the years. It even features in top-1000 free users :)

Here is the tag cloud of entries:

As evident from the tag cloud, GlassFish (427), NetBeans (191), Web services (146), Ruby-on-Rails (128), and JRuby (107) are some of the prominent technologies featured so far.

And finally the top-25 entries:

Now the march towards 900th entry and finally completing a centennial … most likely this year :)

Technorati: blogs bsc googleanalytics milestogo clustrmaps

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