Miles to go …

March 23, 2009

Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails – Free Webinar on Mar 26

Filed under: netbeans, web2.0 — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

This is a re-run of an earlier webinar.

Would you like to know how JRuby,NetBeans, GlassFish, and MySQL can power your Rails applications ?

This informative technical webinar explains the fundamentals of JRuby and how the NetBeans IDE makes developing/debugging/deploying Rails applications on GlassFish quick, fun and cost-effective.

The webinar starts 10am PT on Mar 31st, 2009 and can be accessed from a browser.

Register here.

Technorati: jruby rubyonrails glassfish netbeans mysql webinar

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Related posts:
  1. Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails – Free Webinar on Jan 27
  2. Webinar Replay Available: GlassFish and MySQL-backed applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails
  3. ISV & OEMs Webinar Replay: GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails
  4. Free Rails/GlassFish Webinar with live Q&A: Sep 23, 2009,10am PT
  5. Latest features of Java Persistence 2.0 with MySQL – FREE webinar, Feb 23, 2010


  1. [Trackback] Sun bietet ein kostenloses Webinar an. Dieses trägt den Titel: Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails.
    Das Webinar startet am 31. März um 18:00 Uhr (glaub ich jedenfalls, die orginale Zeit ist mit: 10am PT…

    Comment by Mr. Foo — March 24, 2009 @ 4:29 am

  2. [Trackback] I presented a webinar for ISV and OEMs on "Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails" last week. The slides and a complete recording of the webinar are now available here. Technorati: webinar glassfish mysql n…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — March 31, 2009 @ 11:22 am

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