Miles to go …

March 30, 2009

GlassFish at Silicon Valley Rails Meetup

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 10:04 am
Want to know how NetBeans and GlassFish provide a better Rails experience ?

I’ll be speaking at Silicon Valley Rails Meetup on Mar 31st (tomorrow), 7pm, more details here. It will also be a brief preview of my upcoming Rails Conf talk.

Click on the map below for location:

This is “LinkedIn Headquarters” and we’ll see you at 2nd Floor Kitchen and Open Area.

See you there!

Technorati: conf rubyonrails glassfish netbeans meetup

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Related posts:
  1. Silicon Valley Rails Meetup, Mar 2009 – Slides & Pics
  2. “Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki” @ South Bay Ruby Meetup – Jan 29, 7pm
  3. South Bay Ruby Meetup Trip Report
  4. GlassFish @ Silicon Valley Code Camp 2008 – Trip Report
  5. GlassFish and JRuby @ Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG – Mar 18, 2008

1 Comment »

  1. [Trackback] I presented at Silicon Valley Rails Meetup yesterday. The official attendance says 79 and the kitchen area (for the presentation) was indeed packed! The demo gods were hovering very much around and required me to reboot the machine -…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — April 2, 2009 @ 6:08 am

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