
March 12, 2009

GlassFish Boot Camp, Mar 10 – Slides and Photos

Categories: general

The GlassFish Boot Camp conducted in Sun’s Santa Clara Campus on Mar 10, 2009 was well appreciated by the attendees. There were 30 of them engaged with 14 speakers over 8 hours in 7 fast-paced sessions – overall a great recipe for the boot camp. Many thanks to all the attendees and speakers for making it useful!

All the slides from the sessions are available here.

The attendees certainly had the privilege of participating in the hands-on sessions and engaging in interactive sessions with the GlassFish team. The video recording of all the sessions will be made available next week or so.

Check out some pictures:

As every where else I’ve presented, there were Hudson users and lovers here too! And since the bootcamp was conducted in Sun’s Santa Clara campus, Kohsuke (aka Mr Hudson) was a building away. Some of the attendees had a good conversation and gave him feedback.

We are planning similar bootcamps in other locations as well. Send us an email at if you’d like us to come closer to you.

In the meanwhile next stop, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee – stay tuned for details!

Check out the complete album:

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Related posts:
  1. GlassFish Workshop at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee – Mar 20, 2009
  2. FREE GlassFish Bootcamp – Mar 10, 2009, Santa Clara
  3. GlassFish @ Silicon Valley Code Camp 2008
  4. Java EE 6, GlassFish, Eclipse, Dynamic Languages & Web Frameworks at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009
  5. GlassFish Workshop @ Milwaukee Trip Report – Met famous Santoor player

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