
March 13, 2009

GlassFish Workshop at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee – Mar 20, 2009

Categories: general

If you are in the neighborhood of University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee then you have an opportunity to get a jump start in GlassFish.

Peter Williams and I will be there on Mar 20 and cover the following topics:

  • GlassFish Overview
  • Getting Started with GlassFish (Installation, Administration, NetBeans and Eclipse integration)
  • Web Services: SOAP and REST
  • High Availability, Clustering, and Load Balancing
  • Dynamic Languages and Web Frameworks
  • Possibly some more

Each session will be accompanied by a hands-on lab session sharing the tips and tricks to successfully deploy your web applications on GlassFish.

Venue: UWM Lubar School of Business, Lubar Hall, Room N146

More details and register here! Seating is limited so get your slot today :)

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1 Comment »

  1. [Trackback] Peter and I presented on GlassFish at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee last week. The slides were already made available to the attendees. And since the workshop offered for a charge, the slides will not be shared here :) Let…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — March 23, 2009 @ 6:47 am

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