Miles to go …

April 22, 2009

LOTD #21: Production Deployment Tips for running Rails on GlassFish v2 using Windows

Filed under: lotd, web2.0 — arungupta @ 2:26 pm

SeaChange Affinity uses Rails and GlassFish as their deployment platform. One of their core developers posted tips based upon their experience so far and they are available at:

Rails on GlassFish v2 using Windows

Here are some of the quotes:

Glassfish can really handle a heavy load


handling 400 simultaneous users under a supremely heavy load, the memory was holding great

All previous links in this series are archived at LOTD.

Technorati: lotd glassfish jruby rubyonrails windows

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  2. LOTD #3: Rails 2.2 going multi-threaded
  3. LOTD #4: Rails running on GlassFish @ LinkedIn
  4. LOTD #17: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Administration and Deployment Course – SAS 4455
  5. LOTD #9: Advantages of JRuby over MRI

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