May 13, 2009

GlassFish and Servlet 3.0 Slides from San Francisco JUG

Categories: general

As mentioned earlier, Jan and I talked about GlassFish and Servlet 3.0 at the San Francisco JUG yesterday night. Approximately 40 attendees and a great Q&A session at the end made it a truly enjoying experience.

The GlassFish slides are available here and Servlet 3.0 slides are available here.

And did you register for JavaOne ? The GlassFish team will be there in full force and you’ll be immersed in similar talks.

Here are some pictures from around the venue and the attendees:

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Related posts:
  1. GlassFish at San Francisco Java Users Group – May 12th, 2009
  2. GlassFish Boot Camp, Mar 10 – Slides and Photos
  3. GlassFish Goodies @ JavaOne 2008
  4. JVB #01: Roberto Chinnici on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  5. JavaOne 2007 slides are now available


  1. Great presentation! Thanks!

    I’ll definitely check out GlassFish, though I am really looking forward to the upcoming v3.0 as well as Servlets 3.0!

    Comment by Aleksandar Gargenta — May 13, 2009 @ 1:29 pm

  2. GlassFish is the Man !

    For Developer & Programmer, you should check out this :) :

    Comment by Paul — May 13, 2009 @ 3:05 pm

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