Miles to go …

May 20, 2009

JVB #01: Roberto Chinnici on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009

Filed under: general — arungupta @ 12:00 pm

This blog marks the beginning of a new series highlighting JavaOne speakers from the GlassFish Portfolio team.

In this first episode, learn what Roberto Chinnici will be doing at JavaOne 2009. 

Listen all the way to the end for a tip from a JavaOne veteran. The complete list of sessions where Roberto will be speaking is available here.

And for the curious minds, “JVB” stands for “JavaOne Video Blog”. And so all the related entries are tagged javaone+vidblog. If you are a speaker listed at GlassFish Portfolio at JavaOne 2009 then I’ll reach out to you for a similar recording :)

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Related posts:
  1. JVB #02: Jitendra Kotamraju on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  2. JVB #03: Jim Driscoll on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  3. JVB #14: Sreeram Duvur on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  4. JVB #19: Martin Matula on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  5. JVB #22: Anissa Lam on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009


  1. paylaşımınız için çok teşekkürler başarılar diliyorum
    very very good blog for saring very thankss

    Comment by çiçekçi — May 22, 2009 @ 11:07 am

  2. [Trackback] Once again, we are at the crazy weekend before JavaOne. This year Arun interviewed me and, more importantly, provided a link to my sessions at JavaOne. So I won’t provide any detailed directions here, and instead summarize my speaking…

    Comment by Roberto Chinnici's Blog — May 30, 2009 @ 5:12 pm

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