June 27, 2009

FISL 2009 Day 3 in Pictures & Videos

Categories: general

Continuing from Day 1 and 2 …

I participated in Simon Phipps Talk Show on GlassFish and that was fun :) The usual points:

  • ~50% of the projects currently target GlassFish and that the number jumps to 73% when only counting new projects (according to Ohloh reports)
  • Best price/performance, First to be Java EE 5 compliance and Most downloaded application server
  • The GlassFish download numbers are much higher than JBoss.
  • Brazilian community loves GlassFish over JBoss

Somebody in audience has been using GlassFish for past one year and very happy with it’s performance.

I also delivered the Hudson talk on behalf of Fabiane Nardon. Hudson is an open source Continuous Integration system that is highly extensible and has a very healthy ecosystem around it. The slides are available here and can also be viewed below:

Hudson at FISL 2009
View more presentations from Arun Gupta.

Now pics from the day …

The Brazilian President Lula visited the pavilion but I left early so never got to see him ;-)

The speaker’s dinner at 35CTG Churrascaria was nothing special but there were some real good live performances made the whole thing worthwhile. Enjoy it below:

And the evolving album:

See you in couple of hours at the last day of FISL and then finally head back to home :)

Technorati: conf brazil fisl glassfish hudson

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Related posts:
  1. FISL 2009 Wrapup – 3 talks, 1 talk show, 14 blogs, 10 videos, 275 pics, 2 GlassFish production stories
  2. FISL Day 2 in Pictures & Videos
  3. FISL 2009 Day 4 in Pictures
  4. JavaOne 2009 Recap in pictures and videos
  5. FISL 2009 Day 1 Report


  1. [Trackback] Continuing from Day 1, 2 and 3 … And the complete album: Now looking forward to head back home! Technorati: conf brazil fisl glassfish…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — June 27, 2009 @ 1:14 pm

  2. [Trackback] FISL 2009 wrapped up over the weekend. Even though the conference officially ended on Saturday but the connections made there will certainly allow us to continue all the great momentum. The conference celebrates open source and it was certainly…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — June 30, 2009 @ 10:54 am

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