Miles to go …

July 27, 2009

San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 Completed – Personal Best so far!

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

I ran San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 yesterday and here are the results:

I’m excited about the results because improved my timing by almost 3 minutes. And running on Golden Gate Bridge is always a great experience. As always, the race was very well organized starting from expo to bib/tee-shirt distribution, well marked course, water and medical stations, local community support, buses from half marathon finish line to start line and every thing else. A few possible improvements are listed below.

I saw Dean Karnazes (50/50/50 marathon man) and met Bart Yasso (Yasso 800 man) in the Expo. There is certainly a wealth of knowledge to pick up from these elite runners.

The overall results are as shown:

Click on the image above for complete results.

Couple of sugested improvements to the San Francisco Marathon organizing committee for the next year …

  1. Really, really, really qualify runners in Wave 1. Ask them for a qualifying time from a previous race or something. Walkers and 10-minute milers are NOT Wave 1.
  2. Separate the course going on/off the Golden Gate Bridge, not just with orange cones, but with an additional rope. Otherwise slower runners spill over on the other side and almost bumping into the faster runners.
  3. The expo hall had a wonderful set of exhibitors but it became really crowded as the day progressed. Either an alternate location or back to Market/Embaracdero next year is a better option.

BTW I already registered for the Half Marathon 2010 and got a nice bib#: 1111. The online registration for 2010 San Francisco Marathon is open until Aug 7th. See you there next year!

Here are my two personal goals for the next few months:

  1. Run a half-marathon with 7ish pace
  2. Qualify for Boston – probably next year

11 major marathon mistakes says that “marathon pace will be about … 16 seconds more lethargic per mile than half-marathon clocking“. If that is accurate and will hold true for me, then both of my above goals are well meshed with each other :)

And many thanks to my family for bearing with my weekday early morning runs and long runs over the weekend!

I’ve run 95 hours and 26 minutes, a total 758.93 miles and 166 out of 208 days so far in 2009. Here is a quick chart that shows my running mileage so far:

This chart is generated using an application that I’ve built over the past few days. Tomorrow, I’ll share that entire application on this blog, stay tuned!

Miles to go …

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Related posts:
  1. Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 2009 Completed – 6:57 pace, personal best!
  2. San Francisco Half Marathon 2008 Completed
  3. Running Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon
  4. Completed San Francisco Marathon 2007
  5. Completed Kaiser Permanente San Francisco 1/2 Marathon – PR



    predicts 3:27 for a full marathon based on your 1/2 time.

    Comment by Another runner — July 29, 2009 @ 10:27 pm

  2. Interesting, thanks for the tip!

    I certainly need to improve my timing a lot in order to qualify for Boston :)

    Comment by Arun Gupta — July 29, 2009 @ 10:52 pm

  3. Its very good to hear that you are trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. We have a club established in Toronto where two of our members are trying to qualify as well. Myself and a few others have are also running the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in September. In case you are interested in running this Toronto Waterfront Marathon, we would be happy to see you there!

    Comment by Jaswant Singh — August 14, 2009 @ 7:14 am

  4. [...] marathon so far. Its exciting to shave off 34 secs from the pace from little over 2 months ago in San Francisco 1/2 Marathon. Read previous marathon [...]

    Pingback by Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 2009 Completed – 6:57 pace, personal best! « Miles to go … — October 4, 2009 @ 9:58 pm

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