
August 10, 2009

“Miles to go” is 4 years old … yaay!

Categories: personal

Last week (Aug 2 to be precise), this blog turned 4 years old.

All the way from Hello Blogsphere more than 4 years ago to multiple tips, screencasts, deep dive technical entries, fun stuff, running tips and lots more … I’ve thoroughly enjoyed publishing content on this blog. Hope you did too :)

Here are some comparable statistics with blogs.sun.com …

blogs.sun.com Miles to go …
Age 5 yrs, 4 months 4 years and 1 week
First Entry Apr 27, 2004 Aug 2, 2005
Total Entries 138248 944 (0.68%)
Total Comments 156060 3537 (2.26%)

Some “Miles to go …” analytics …

  • 732,251 visits and 984,877 page views since Jan 5, 2007 according to Google Analytics
  • 21,862 cities from 211 countries according to Google Analytics. Surprisingly (pleasant) London is far exceeding other cities :)
  • 837,889 visits since Jun 12, 2006 according to clustrmaps
  • 63.04% is organic search (58.37% from Google, 2.54% from Yahoo), 23.66% from referring sites, 13.2% is direct traffic
  • 50% of the visits come from Firefox, 38% from IE
  • 80% from Windows, 10.04% from Macintosh, 7.74% from Linux

From 3rd birthday …

  • 287 blog entries & 1598 comments
  • Visitors from 12 new countries
  • 334,545 page visits & 427,352 page views

And here are some snapshots …

Visitors from all over the world …

Weekly page visits …

Here are the topics with more than 50 entries …

And now the complete tag cloud …

Now lets see if this blog ever reaches 1000th entry ;-)

Technorati: milestogo birthday

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Related posts:
  1. “Miles to go …” 3 years old
  2. blogs.sun.com turns 5
  3. 800th Blog Entry
  4. Happy New Year 2009!
  5. Web log analyzer

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