Miles to go …

September 1, 2009

GMail Down: 502 Server Error

Filed under: general — arungupta @ 12:08 pm

GMail is becoming like Twitter, more "failed whale" than earlier.

The positive side is it’s much better than which goes down abruptly, randomly, and at a much higher frequency ;-)


  • Check Google’s App Status Dashboard for a status check on various Google services.
  • Also see the note on GMail’s Blog about outage.

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Related posts:
  1. Gmail “Server Error”
  2. – Temporary Error (500)
  3. Gmail error: “Oops… the system was unable to perform your operation”
  4. Gmail equivalence
  5. – 500 Internal Server Error


  1. Sir,

    I m a beginner in the J2EE I need your guidance.

    I have seen few of your screencast which helped a lot.

    but after #ws3 i was unable to get the concepts.

    I ws in the search of something which could explain the webservices and it developement in deatails and in easy language.

    I use netbeans tool, awaiting your response.


    Comment by Dipakkumar Patil — September 1, 2009 @ 11:34 pm

  2. Dipak,

    Have you tried Metro guide at: ?


    Comment by arungupta — September 2, 2009 @ 5:22 am

  3. Thanks Sir,

    As you forwarded the link, the concept of webservice developement is now more clear to me. i m thankful for that. but let me explain at what point I m confused.

    –>I now know that how to develop the webservice its client. but when it comes to real deployment of the webservice on the host servers and the point at which we need to provide client with their files of webservice.

    1. what are the further procedures after an webservice is developed on the netbeans tool?

    2. what files need to be supplied to client who requested us to prepare an webservice for him?

    3. currently we are calling the webservice on the localhost, whenever we will deploy the service on the host server,accordingly what changes need to be made or what parameters need to be emphasised in the client files to access the webservice on host server and how (because there is much difference accessing the service at localhost and at remote servers?

    4. If my client is designed in PHP or any other technology, to send the request to the webservice at remote server what parameters and what procedure we need to follow to be able to map both the technology and also serve the purpose?

    Sir I know the questions are long enough, but you are the only ray of hope. as i am wandering around from days for these questions. surely your previous suggestion of that link helped but I need to know as mentioned in the 4 queries above.

    awaiting response.

    Dipakkumar Patil

    Comment by Dipakkumar Patil — September 2, 2009 @ 1:08 pm

  4. I you feel that I am disturbing the current flow of the blog , you can forward me your mail ID at

    Comment by Dipakkumar Patil — September 2, 2009 @ 1:13 pm

  5. Dipakkumar, can you post your questions to ?

    Comment by arungupta — September 2, 2009 @ 2:31 pm

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