Miles to go …

December 2, 2009

Java EE 6 & GlassFish swimming to IndicThreads, Pune, India

Filed under: glassfish — arungupta @ 12:33 pm
Java EE 6 is now a JCP approved specification. The Reference Implementation in GlassFish v3 is getting a final dressing and will be released soon, along with the TCK. Along with traditional Java EE applications, GlassFish v3 also allows to deploy dynamic languages & associated Web frameworks like Ruby-on-Rails, Groovy and Grails, Python and Django to be easily deployed. I’ll be explaining these technologies and much more at Indic Threads 2009.

What sessions ? Java EE 6: Paving The Path for The Future (9:40 am) and Dynamic Languages & Web Frameworks in GlassFish (3:40 pm)

When ? Dec 11 & 12, 2009

Where ? Hotel Orbett, Pune, India

Register Now! The complete agenda is available and you can follow @indicj for the latest updates. Also learn how Indic Threads is going green!

If you are attending the conference, you can win a copy of the "Beginning Java EE 6 Platform with GlassFish v3" book by entering the quiz here.

This book is authored by Antonio Goncalves, a Java Champion, Paris JUG leader, a profound Open Source Evangelist and a senior software architect living in Paris. This is the first book on Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3 and a provides a good insight in the platform and it’s associated implementation.

And unfortunately the Pune International Marathon is on the weekend before the conference. A little bit of heads up would’ve allowed me to reach the city little earlier and run at least the 1/2 marathon. Even the conference hotel does not seem to have a fitness center :( Guess, I’ll try to run by Mutha River. Any other suggestions ?

Would you like to run together ?

What are the local delicacies that I must not miss ?

Anyway, check out the complete GlassFish Events Calendar:

The calendar feeds are available in formats.

Technorati: conf javaee glassfish india pune indicthreads

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Related posts:
  1. IndicThreads Conference 2009 – Trip Report
  2. Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3 swimming to Amsterdam – JFall 2009
  3. Hold the Date – Feb 29, 2008, GlassFish Day is coming to India
  4. LOTD #18: Campus Ambassadors presenting on GlassFish – France & India
  5. Domestic Air Travel in India


  1. Saltmarch Media is organizing Great Indian Developer Summit event in Bangalore. This Summit will be a boost for the Software Developing Industries. It covers the topics like .Net, Java and Richweb and has 1 day workshop at the end as well. Any one attending this event?

    Register at developersummit dot com

    Comment by Satpal Yadav — January 25, 2010 @ 12:27 am

  2. Satpal, It seems the CFP for the conference is already closed but I’m trying to submit some papers there. Lets see if they get accepted.


    Comment by arungupta — January 25, 2010 @ 10:50 am

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