Miles to go …

March 22, 2010

Day 2 – Ruby Conf India 2010 Trip Report

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans, rails — arungupta @ 3:40 am

Ruby Conf India 2010 Day 2 (follow up from Day 1) started with Nick Sieger’s presentation on "Rails 3 Through Choices".

He started by talking about the state of Ruby in 2010

  • New Ruby Gems site (gemcutter), ported 11k gems
  • Multiple alternative Ruby VMs, Ruby 1.8 is 7 years old

    • JRuby 1.5 in April 2010
    • Rubinius in Q2 2010
    • Ruby 2.0
  • RubyToolBox,, Github, Rails Guides are some of the popular and useful websites

Liked the "Auto" mode of camera analogy with Rails 3, basically start changing the settings as you get more advanced.

Here are some of the highlights of Rails 3:

  • –skip-activerecord, –skip-testunit, –skip-prototype are new options in Rails 3
  • script/server | generate | console == script/rails s g c == rails server generate console (within the app directory)
  • Routing is much cleaner
  • XSS safety is default in Rails 3
  • Railties: extension API for Rails – encapsulates configuration information and enables decoupling.

    • Four main components: Initialization, Rake tasks, Generators, Logging Events.
    • All components in Rails are themselves Railties.
  • Rack is now bundled in Rails 3
  • ActiveModel: creates a contract between controller and model (7 methods), can be connected to any backend data store, provides a bunch of default functionality
  • Migration from 2.0 -> 3.0: has a presentation on migration from earlier versions.

Railties certainly reminds me of the recent modularity in JDK 7 and GlassFish v3. Watch Nick’s demo of Rails 3 in this 2-part video. It showed how Rails 3 Active Model can be used to store data in Neo4j (a graph database) instead of a traditional relational database.

My "GlassFish can support multiple Ruby frameworks … really ?" talked about the pluggable architecture of GlassFish v3 and how it supports multiple Ruby frameworks. It described the 3 deployment models of Rails applications in GlassFish (Gem, WAR, Directory-based), showed live samples of Rails and Sinatra applications, talked about the advantages of NetBeans, and a lot about JRuby. All my talks on Rails/GlassFish end up promoting JRuby a lot as that is indeed the entry point for deploying your Rails applications on GlassFish. Anyway, enjoy the complete slides at:

GlassFish can support multiple Ruby frameworks … really ?

And I received the following messages few minutes after the presentation was posted on slideshare:

Here are some of the tweets during/after the talk:

  • @gautamrege Really cool article by @arungupta Day 1 – Ruby Conf India 2010 « Miles to go … #rubyconfindia
  • @ytvinay sitting with @nicksieger and listening 2 @arungupta ’s gr8 talk on glassfish n jruby. is this really happening? #rubyconfindia #honoured
  • @yob_au Enjoying Arun Gupta’s jruby and glassfish talk at #rubyconfindia – very clear overview and demos for an MRI traditionalist like me
  • @arjunghosh Second day @ #rubyconfindia Some interesting talks until now,like Nic one on Rails 3, @arungupta ’s Glassfish,Sahar’s Templating
  • @vijay_dev feeling completely at home in the GlassFish talk! Helps to be a Java and Rails guy :-) #rubyconfindia

Totally love the instant feedback :-) You can follow the complete set of comments at #rubyconfindia.

Post lunch I had a brief hacking session with Obie and ran a local version of using JRuby/Rails 2.3.5/GlassFish Gem/PostgreSQL. Other than installing the required gems, every thing was pretty straight forward. It re-confirms the fact that JRuby is just Ruby and can run any Rails application on GlassFish in a seamless manner.

I would’ve loved to attend Roy’s closing keynote but had to step out because of a prior personal commitment.

Overall, Ruby Conf India turned out to be an excellent experience. I certainly enjoyed spending time with Nick, Ola, Obie and a bunch of folks from ThoughtWorks, specifically Roy, Sagar, Tina, Rohit, Christabel, and Judy. The entire team put a wondertastic show and I certainly hope this is a more regular event.

There is a relentless demand for entrepreneurial spirit and trying out the bleeding edge technologies. I hope other similar conferences will start showing up in the near future. I also hope that the local community pick up efforts to take leadership roles and start organizing free Ruby or Rails workshop to expand the Ruby ecosystem. And of course, I certainly wish they all use JRuby, after all it’s Ruby. And once you are using JRuby, that’s it – GlassFish serves your Rails, Sinatra, Ramaze, and any other Rack-based framework applications.

Here are a few pictures from Day 2:

And the complete album so far:

The speaker gift is certainly a nice gesture and my son will surely it enjoy more than me. Thanks a lot to Thought Works for organizing the conference!

On a little bit of fun front, totally loved the following advertisement of "Bingo! Spicy Masala Remix" on the local TV channels:

2 conferences, 2 cities, 2 hotels, 5 planned + 1 unplanned sessions covered, 1 city + 4 planned sessions remaining!

Next stop is Tech Days, Hyderabad!

Technorati: conf rubyconfindia ruby jruby rubyonrails glassfish bangalore bengaluru india

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Related posts:
  1. Java EE 6 & GlassFish – Spark IT 2010, Ruby Conf India 2010, Tech Days 2010
  2. Day 1 – Ruby Conf India 2010
  3. South Bay Ruby Meetup Trip Report
  4. Rails Conf 2009 Day 3 Trip Report
  5. Spark IT 2010 Trip Report

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