Miles to go …

March 25, 2010

Day 2 – Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

Follow up from Day 1.

The opening of Day 2 started with "awesome", "fantastic", and "extraordinary" as the feedback when Simon asked about the Day 1. The attendees charged into the Hyderabad International Convention Center, the venue of Tech Days, on Day 2 as evident in the video below:

Georges Saab, Vice President, Fusion Middleware, Oracle talked about Oracle Application Grid and its various components such as WebLogic, Tuxedo, JRockit, Coherence, JDeveloper, ADF, and EclipseLink. Nandini Ramani showcased how Java platform has evolved over past few years and modularity is one of the key themes going forward. Her talk was loaded with several demos including mine on JSF, CDI, Bean Validation, and JAX-RS using NetBeans.

The "strange and unusual talent show", a usual activity on Day 2, had 9 participants and its probably the largest group I’ve ever seen. The attendees are encouraged to show their talent and it ranged from a poem, martial arts, dancing, singing, and many others. Watch all the fun in the video below:

My session on "Using the latest Java Persistence API 2 Features" was well received in a packed hall (with a capacity of 1500) and the slides are now available:

Using the latest Java Persistence API 2 Features – Tech Days 2010 India

Always good to see instant feedback via #techdays:

  • @javachap: In @arungupta session, Java Persistence API. It’s houseful! #techdays
  • @mohdabdurraafay: @arungupta your session was awesome. :) was very much in depth. Thanks. #techdays #techdays2010
  • @neilghosh: @arungupta excellent jpa session bt t-shirt din’t reach me :( #techdays #glassfish
  • @neilghosh: #techdays Day2 was more fun ..Liked the Tag Line "Code is king" by @arungupta it was fun interacting with geniuses from Sun Micro -Oracle ;)
  • @manishagarwal_: @arungupta Hey Arun.. I attended your sessions todays.. they were awesome..very interactive and useful.. am now :) downloading NetBeans 6.8
  • @bjgindia: @arungupta And really a great feeling meeting you! Got inspired towards #JavaEE6 and #glassfish v3 :)

And then the last technical session of this trip showing Java EE 6 tools (mostly NetBeans and Eclipse) concluded Tech Days. This slide-free session showed TOTD #123, TOTD #122, TOTD #120, TOTD #115, TOTD #102, and many others.

The evening finally concluded with a visit to 10 Downing Street and some R&R :-)

Here are pictures from Day 2:

And the complete album (including photos from Spark IT and Ruby Conf):

Here are the sessions presented in this trip:

  • Spark IT 2010

    • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving the path for the future
    • Improving Engineering Process Using Hudson
    • Getting Started with Rails on GlassFish Hands-on Lab
    • Powering the Next Generation Services with the Java Platform
    • Java EE 6 Toolshow
  • Ruby Conf India 2010

    • GlassFish can support multiple Ruby frameworks … really ?
  • Tech Days 2010, India

    • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving the path for the future
    • OSGi & Java EE in GlassFish
    • Using the Latest Java Persistence API 2 Features
    • Java EE 6 Toolshow

And finally, this trip is coming to an end. Now, I’m certainly looking forward to head back home and have some quality time with family :-)

Technorati: conf techdays hyderbad india glassfish v3 javaee  netbeans

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Related posts:
  1. Java EE 6 & GlassFish – Spark IT 2010, Ruby Conf India 2010, Tech Days 2010
  2. Day 1 – Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad
  3. Sun Tech Days Hyderabad 2009
  4. Sun Tech Days Hyderabad – Day 1
  5. Sun Tech Days Hyderabad Talent Show Video – Day 2

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