Miles to go …

June 3, 2010

Jazoon 2010 Day 3 – Java EE 6 on Cloud, HTML 5 with JSF 2 and another run on Üetliberg

Filed under: frameworks, glassfish, javaee, netbeans, running — arungupta @ 2:13 pm

The Day 3 of Jazoon (Day 1 & 2) started with a great presentation on Gaia satellite and Data Processing by William O’Mullane. Gaia is a European Space Agency space mission that will be launched in Summer of 2012 to compile a catalog of approximately 1 billion stars. Most of their software is Java-based and have been fairly happy with the decision taken 10 years ago. They are very happy with the performance of Java and in certain cases its even 10x faster than C.

I gave a talk on "Running Java EE 6 applications in the Cloud". The talk explained flexibility, light-weight, extensibility, and ease-of-use of Java EE 6. It demonstrated a simple sample development and rapid deployment feature using NetBeans IDE. And then quickly jumped into how this application can be deployed on Amazon EC2, RightScale, Elastra, and Joyent infrastructure. I learned about the Simple Cloud API (Storage only) and Apache libcloud from Doug Tidwell’s talk yesterday and so will try them as well.

I gave a tee-shirt from the Bay Area JUG Roundup to Rainer Grau – moderator of the conference and he was kind enough to change it for rest of the day. See his picture below.

The slides from my talk are available below:

Running your Java EE 6 applications in the cloud

More detailed steps to deploy your Java EE 6 application on each cloud management / provider mentioned above will be available in a later blog. Instant feedback via twitter is always much appreciated as shown in the case below:

The Spring 3.0 Themes and Trends talk was quite a dejavu because it was mostly a rehash of what is available in the Java EE 6 today. And I could not understand why would anybody use Spring (instead of Java EE) to use the goodness of the JSF and JPA technologies ?

Roger’s talk on "Exploring HTML 5 with JSF 2" was very interesting and had a packed room, small but packed. He showed lots of HTML 5 samples and how Java Server Faces 2 can be used to include new tags like audio / video in a JSF composite component, Web Sockets and even Web Workers with JSF 2. His slides are available at:

Exploring HTML 5 with JSF 2

Roger & I will work on publishing detailed steps on these demos in the coming days.

Spring Roo was a good one but it seems like that its basically trying to bring Ruby-on-Rails concepts like Dynamic Functions and Scaffold with some usual tooling tricks and heavy code generation to the Java programming language. One more framework, one more convention, one more programming style … not sure if it fills any gap!

Dan & Aslak presented on Real Java EE Testing with Arquillian and this was mostly a demo-driven talk showing how different Java EE technologies can be easily tested using ShrinkWrap and Arquillian. And the cool thing is that they support deployment to GlassFish Embedded as well.

Here are some pictures from earlier today:

And the day concluded with yet another great run up Üetliberg, just a simple out & back but 1404 ft elevation gain in 4.59 miles. The elevation map is shown below:

More details about the run are given below:

Here are some pictures captured during the run:

It is just beautiful – definitely worth going at least once!

Last but not the least, Roger & I had a great dinner at au gratin – a great restaurant + adjoining bar on the first floor on Bahnhofplatz. They’ve got great food variety at a great location, reasonably priced (as per the Swiss standards ;-) , and an American Football aficionado server by the name David. If you meet him, say our hello to him :-)

And here is the complete photo album:

This was my first Jazoon conference in the beautiful country of Switzerland and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had some useful conversations and made some good contacts. I’d love to come back here again next year as well!

Next step Über Conf …

Technorati: conf jazoon zurich javaee glassfish cloud amazon rightscale elastra joyent html5 jsf2 spring

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