Miles to go …

June 3, 2010

Üetliberg – Great uphill run at Jazoon 2010 Day 2

Filed under: glassfish, running — arungupta @ 6:44 am

Three of us (2 ex-Ironman and me) ran to the top of Üetliberg (a mountain on the Swiss plateau) on the Day 2 of Jazoon – a great uphill run. There were showers + lockers right at the trailhead so that was extremely convenient. The first 3 miles were rolling hills with a constant elevation gain and then it shot up 500 ft within next 1/4 mile. After another 2.5 miles of rolling hills we reached the hill top. The total run was little over 8 miles with an elevation gain of 1755 feet in about 5.8 miles and a maximum elevation of 2830 ft – an excellent workout overall! Needless to say, the other 2 runners were pretty solid, being ex-Ironman, but this will help me prepare better for the upcoming San Francisco 1/2 Marathon.

Here is the elevation map of the run:

There was drizzling all the way up & down and lots of fog on the hill top so we could not enjoy the otherwise spectacular panoramic view of the entire Zurich city and Lake of Zurich. But may be I’ll run there tomorrow again and this time with a camera :-)

And more details can be found below:

For those interested in the view only, the summit is also accessible by the train.

Thanks to Dan Allen for connecting me with Bela Ban for this run! This is how I celebrated the National Running Day. Are you planning to run anything nice ?

Other than running, I attended some good talks earlier in the day Unleash your processors, HTML 5 WebSockets, and Keeping Your Options Open – Even If the Cloud is Not. The keynote by Ken Schwaber ( fame) on "Total Cost of Ownership" gave some good points about "When are you done ?", "My / Your / Our kind of done" and other benefits of Scrum/Agile. But then soon turned into a marketing pitch about a new course starting in Switzerland.

And now finally, my talk tomorrow morning on "Running your Java EE 6 applications in the Cloud".

Here is the evolving album so far:

Technorati: conf jazoon zurich uetliberg uphill running

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