Miles to go …

November 19, 2010

Java EE 6 & GlassFish @ JavaOne Brazil & CEJUG

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans — arungupta @ 8:53 pm

The first ever JavaOne outside the USA is going to be in Brazeeeeel from Dec 7-9th … yeeeee haw! Java EE 6 & GlassFish will have a strong presence there in terms of technical sessions, general session, exhibitor floor, hands-on labs, and of course you’ll find us all around the hallways.

Here is a quick summary of different Java EE 6 related sessions …

When ? Where ? What ? Speaker ?
11:45 – 12:30pm
Salon 2 S319438
HK2: Oracle WebLogic Serve, Oracle GlassFish Server, and Beyond
Jerome Dochez

10:15 – 11am

Salon 1 S313557
The Java EE 6 Programming Model Explained: How to Write Better Applications
Jerome Dochez
10:15 – 11am
Salon 2 S313431
Java Persistence API 2.0: An Overview
Ludovic Champenois
11:15 – 12pm
Salon 1 S314168
What’s New in Enterprise JavaBean Technology
Arun Gupta
1:30 – 2:15pm
Salon 3 S313265
Advanced Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
Chuk-Munn Lee
2:30 – 3:15pm
Salon 3 S320002
Creating RESTful Web Services using JAX-RS
Ludovic Champenois
Salon 1 S313189
Complete Tools Coverage for the Java EE 6 Platform
Ludovic Champenois
11:15 – 12:00pm
Salon 1 S320004
Hyperproductive JavaServer Faces 2.0
Arun Gupta
2:00 – 2:45pm
Salon 1 S313937
Using Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) in the Java EE Ecosystem
Jerome Dochez
4:15 – 5:00
Salon 1 S320003
Servlet 3.0 Extensible, Asynchronous and Easy to Use
Arun Gupta
4:15 – 6:00pm
Salon 4 S314285
Using Oauth with RESTful Web Services (Hands-on Lab)
Chuk-Munn Lee
4:15 – 6:00pm
Salon 6 S313277
Beginning with the Java EE 6 Platform (Hands-on Lab)
Ludovic Champenois
& Gang

And prior to JavaOne, I’ll also be speaking at CEJUG on Java EE 6.

Looking forward to enjoy Caipirinha, Churrascaria, Guarana, Brazilian coffee, beautiful beaches, and my first summer time visit to Brazil :-) Where will I see you ?

For the first time travelers to Brazil, here are some travel tips and 4 things not to miss in Brazil.

Technorati: conf javaone brazil javaee6 glassfish brazil cejug

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  1. JavaOne Brazil Call for Papers is open – submit now
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  3. JVB #21: Ludovic Champenois on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009
  4. Java EE 6 & GlassFish at Cloud Computing Expo, OTN Developer Days, Oredev, Java EE 6 Workshops, JavaOne Brasil in next 2 months!
  5. JVB #25: Jerome Dochez on GlassFish at JavaOne 2009


  1. Hello Arun!

    My name is Adina, I’m a beginner in J2EE and also in NetBeans IDE. Please excuse me if I dare to write my problem on your blog, but I consider you an important specialist in Java world.
    I have a running bug and it’s important to me to resolve it. I have installed NetBeans 6.9.1 and Glassfish v3 (on my computer I have also Apache-Tomcat 5.5 and Eclipse IDE). When I try to run a Web Project, I receive the following error:
    “Could not listen on port 1527 on host localhost: Address already in use: JVM_Bind”.
    (I want to mention that on other computer, in the same conditions, this work).
    Thank you and have good time in Brazil!

    Comment by Adina — November 22, 2010 @ 4:53 am

  2. Hi Adina,

    Seems like something is already running on port 1527, please try to free up the port by using “netstat -a” or “kill -9″ or Windows Task Manager.

    Comment by arungupta — November 22, 2010 @ 6:22 am

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