Miles to go …

November 4, 2010

OTN Developer Days 2010, New York City Trip Report

Filed under: glassfish — arungupta @ 10:38 pm

OTN Developer Days kicked off this morning in the heart of New York City in the Millennium Broadway hotel. About 200 developers attended 20 sessions + hands-on labs divided in four tracks – Server, Desktop, Mobile, and Embedded. I think that was a pretty good turnout knowing that this was a weekday and kept raining all day.

I delivered 2 sessions + 3 hands-on labs (yes, back-to-back) in the Server track. There were about approximately 80 attendees through out the day in the Server track. It was tiring speaking for pretty much the entire day but totally enjoyed the super interactive audience. The attendees were not aware to bring their own laptops so most could not try hands-on lab on their own. This will be fixed for subsequent events by including a reminder in the registration email. As a consequence I converted the hands-on lab sessions to code walk through where I built the entire sample and explained the code in detail. After initial hiccups the three hands-on workshops went smoothly. The workshops covered some of the key Java EE 6 technologies by building mini applications and combination of technologies was:

  • EJB 3.1 + JAX-RS 1.1
  • JSF 2 + CDI 1.0
  • Servlets 3.0 + JPA 2

The slides from the two sessions are available below:

OTN Developer Days – Java EE 6

OTN Developer Days – GlassFish

Here is some feedback from the audience on the delivered sessions + workshops:

Arun Gupta puts on a fine presentation. The man has been doing this for a while; and he knows the technology and related material quite well. Good Job Arun!

I thought Arun Gupta did an excellent job with his presentations. He was very prepared with his examples and was able to offer supplemental materials for the content.

Mr Arun Gupta is knowledgeable and thorough presenter. Pace of the presentation is good.

Excellent presentation with audience involvement.

Arun is obviously very knowledgeable. He gives good intro level of detail to understand concepts, and can answer detailed questions as well. Arun is well spoken and open for question of all types.

Demo were well done and the walk through were helpful especially since I did not bring a laptop.

Arun Gupta = Excellent and Knowledgeable

Excellent presentation, hats up!

Great seminar, great instructor! Exceeded my expectation by a lot!

For fun, one of the feedback was …

Just do this kind of FREE seminars on WEEKEND.

As always there is always is room for improvement so I take that feedback close to my heart as well. Thank you everybody for attending the session and providing the feedback!

And as always, some pictures …

And the complete photo album:

If you are interested in attending in one of these workshops, check out the locations of OTN Developer Days worldwide.

2 down (Cloud Expo and OTN Dev Days) and 5 more to go (Oredev, Rich Web Expo, DegIgnition, CEJUG, JavaOne Brazil) in the next 5 weeks.

Where will I see you ?

Technorati: conf oracletechnet otn devdays newyorkcity javaee6 glassfish

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